Sunday, October 30, 2005

Check out my new free and legal mp3 website of upward rising and unique artists.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Well now it is turning into a guilt issue. I neglect my housekeeping, I neglect my children, my wife and now my blog......................................................
My kidney is working at high speed. I am still spending too much time on the computer. Reading about onions, developing classic video games, hatching a web scheme, ect...

Sunday was pure with an unsuccessful day of steelhead fishing. The picture depicts the port of Almota. Perhaps a magical place. Where I while away the day presenting the bait out of the strikezone. And again I neglect the chance of learning from the pros. So shall I waste time as thus.


Tuesday, October 11, 2005

I have a month or so left on my trial version of ArcView, one of the leading GIS (Geographic Information Systems) software packages available. My computer chokes a little when I tried to use it and it has so many hacker protections it can be annoying to deal with, but I decided to make my own H5N1 Bird Flu map. I pulled some info from the CDC, Japan today, and to create a map of Bird Flu reports. I have some thoughts on bird flu hysteria and media as well as a disclaimer as to the reality of the map, but I only have a minute as I am packing to fly to Ohio tommorrow so that bunk will have to wait. (Image is large, sorry about loading time.)

Sunday, October 09, 2005

The blog may suffer. I am going to try working on a website that could possibly earn me some revenue. I waste so much time with websites that I might as well try to pull in some nickels and dimes. It was actually this blogger thing that opened my eyes to it. Google's adsense sort of intrigued me- You just stick a couple advertisements on your website and then the amount of views (impressions) of your site and clicks on the ads generates a certain amount of money. I am not going to put it on this site, because I don't expect this site to get much traffic, so I have to do something more unique and captivating.

Also, I added a word confirmation to my comments section to try to limit the spammers. Another note- while it is fun to use the next blog button at the top of the screen, I have had problems with viruses when using it. They were immediately zapped by my anti-virus, but I thought I would mention it.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Last night I was on a horrible tangent searching for the name of a movie I watched on Nickelodeon in the mid-eighties. I don't know why this kind of thing happens to me, but I think it has to do with slight-insomnia and my waying of spending too much time on the internet.

It all started thinking about sharing a childhood cartoon, Danger Mouse, with my boys. Then it was back to this other "Special Delivery" movie on Nickelodeon that I can't seem to recall the name. You know just a silly thing that kills you because you can't remember it.

I know that most of the movie took place in space in a space ship and a stark dark planet laid out like the moon. It was the darkest cartoon that I had seen at that point. That is all I remember. They have listings on whack "classic nick" websites of every show, but of the five concise websites I found none listed the actual titles of shows of "Special Deliveries" since they were largely international cartoons and many faded into oblivion after being aired.

This too will pass (I hope).

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Deep below the bedrock in the isolated foothills of eastern Washington, I have been developing my superdrug. You sinply lick the fronds of this large Graviton communis plant and enjoy the "underwater like" visuals and the sounds of tiny gnomes playing nano-kettle drums. The secret lies in the rich stimulants found in the the droppings of these exotic prairie aphids.

Okay, you got me I went into work this weekend. The plants above are beets. Beets are good. I need to focus, need to brew some beer. Monks in belgium use sugar from beets to elevate the alcohol level in thier delicious abbey ales. Everything is relative. Another weekend survived.

P.S.- I came across a great site about beer labels and craft breweries- . If your like me you may be trying desperately to remember what that amazing beer was called on a night lost somewhere in your memory.
