Last night I was on a horrible tangent searching for the name of a movie I watched on Nickelodeon in the mid-eighties. I don't know why this kind of thing happens to me, but I think it has to do with slight-insomnia and my waying of spending too much time on the internet.

It all started thinking about sharing a childhood cartoon, Danger Mouse, with my boys. Then it was back to this other "Special Delivery" movie on Nickelodeon that I can't seem to recall the name. You know just a silly thing that kills you because you can't remember it.
I know that most of the movie took place in space in a space ship and a stark dark planet laid out like the moon. It was the darkest cartoon that I had seen at that point. That is all I remember. They have listings on whack "classic nick" websites of every show, but of the five concise websites I found none listed the actual titles of shows of "Special Deliveries" since they were largely international cartoons and many faded into oblivion after being aired.
This too will pass (I hope).
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