The blog may suffer. I am going to try working on a website that could possibly earn me some revenue. I waste so much time with websites that I might as well try to pull in some nickels and dimes. It was actually this blogger thing that opened my eyes to it. Google's adsense sort of intrigued me- You just stick a couple advertisements on your website and then the amount of views (impressions) of your site and clicks on the ads generates a certain amount of money. I am not going to put it on this site, because I don't expect this site to get much traffic, so I have to do something more unique and captivating.
Also, I added a word confirmation to my comments section to try to limit the spammers. Another note- while it is fun to use the next blog button at the top of the screen, I have had problems with viruses when using it. They were immediately zapped by my anti-virus, but I thought I would mention it.
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