I have a month or so left on my trial version of ArcView, one of the leading GIS (Geographic Information Systems) software packages available. My computer chokes a little when I tried to use it and it has so many hacker protections it can be annoying to deal with, but I decided to make my own H5N1 Bird Flu map. I pulled some info from the CDC, Japan today, and NewScientist.com to create a map of Bird Flu reports. I have some thoughts on bird flu hysteria and media as well as a disclaimer as to the reality of the map, but I only have a minute as I am packing to fly to Ohio tommorrow so that bunk will have to wait. (Image is large, sorry about loading time.)

Notices were mailed a few weeks back warning poultry farmers in the area to keep their birds indoors. Apparently we're at risk since large numbers of waterfowl aggregate in nearby Tervuren park (Belgium), a favorite birding spot of mine.
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